Returns / Repairs (RMA)

Important information!

From 1 July 2024, we will be relocating our repair service to the central Schalksmühle site.

We are bundling our department across the group in order to optimise repair and service times for you.

Our colleagues at the Schalksmühle site form a team of highly trained service technicians with many years of expertise in the field of service and repair.

We therefore ask you to contact our colleagues directly via with all repair requests from 01.07.2024 or use the form (formerly service request form) via this Link.

Further information on the relocation of our repair service can be found here.

Future delivery address for repairs:
Netceed c/o
tso GmbH
Golsberger Str. 10
58579 Schalksmühle

  • Service & Repair Department

    Netceed Schalksmühle
